Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 12, 2021

Cách làm bột đậu nành nguyên chất tại nhà 👉 chỉ 5 phút

Cách làm bột đậu nành nguyên chất tại nhà 
Để làm bột đậu nành (tên tiếng anh: #soybean)  tại nhà rất đơn giản trước hết bạn cần chuẩn bị hạt đậu nành nguyên chất, máy xay và chảo rang. Sau đó áp dụng theo các công thức sau tùy vào mục đích sử dụng của bạn.

Cách làm bột đậu nành tăng vòng 1 cho chị em phụ nữ

Đậu nành có Khả năng kích thích Hóc Môn estrogen ở nữ giới. Sau một thời gian sử dụng thường xuyên đậu nành hoặc mầm đậu nành, chị em sẽ cảm thấy sự thay đổi rõ rệt về kích thước bầu ngực của mình.
Ngoài ra, protein trong đậu nành có tác dụng thúc đẩy quá trình tích tụ các mô mỡ ở tuyến vú từ đó giúp làm tăng thể tích bầu ngực một cách tự nhiên.  

Chuẩn bị hạt đậu nành nguyên chất, đỗ đen hoặc đỗ đỏ.

 Bạn cho các loại hạt vào chậu, ngâm nước để mềm vỏ sau đó rang khô trên chảo nóng. 
Bỏ các nguyên liệu trên vào máy xay sinh tố tạo thành hỗn hợp bột đồng nhất. 

Bột đậu nành còn có thể tăng kích thước vòng 1 cho nữ giới

Mỗi lần uống bạn cho 1 đến 2 thìa cà phê bột hòa cùng nước ấm vừa đủ, uống liền trong ngày mỗi tuần ăn 3 đến 4 lần. 

Hướng dẫn uống bột đậu nành giảm cân vào buổi sáng

Hàm lượng chất xơ cao chiếm đến 60% trong bột đậu nành giúp bạn cảm thấy no lâu mà không cần bổ sung quá nhiều thực phẩm khác. 

Ngoài ra đậu nành mầm khá lành tính, tốt cho sức khỏe nên chúng là thực phẩm hỗ trợ giảm cân được nhiều chị em tin dùng. 

Chuẩn Bị một ly nước ấm và 2 muỗng bột đậu nành khuấy đều tạo thành ngũ cốc dinh dưỡng, chú ý không nên cho thêm đường.

Uống 1 ly ngũ cốc trước bữa ăn chính 30 phút để có cảm giác no. Khi đó bữa ăn chính của bạn sẽ không cần nạp quá nhiều và giảm cân nhanh hơn.

soybean; dau nanh; hat dau nanh; kinako; dau tuong; cach lam sua dau nanh; dau nanh lam mon gi; sua dau nanh co tang vong 1 khong; bot dau nanh rang; bot mam dau nanh; cong dung bot dau nanh; bot dau nanh mua o dau; bot mam dau nanh nha lam; bot dau nanh pha uong; bot dau nanh tang vong 1; bot dau nanh hat sen

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 12, 2021

Hướng dẫn cách làm bột đậu đỏ siêu mịn để tắm trắng tại nhà chỉ 👉 5 phút

Cách làm bột đậu đỏ để tắm trắng tại nhà hiệu quả

Tắm trắng bằng bột đậu đỏ là phương pháp làm đẹp sử dụng nguyên liệu tự nhiên organic được nhiều chị em yêu thích. Trong đậu đỏ có các dưỡng chất không chỉ có lợi cho sức khỏe mà còn giúp cải thiện, làm trắng da, đem lại làn da mịn màng.

Nguyên liệu để làm bột đậu đỏ đắp mặt tại nhà cho nhiều chị em phụ nữ

1kg đậu đỏ. Lưu ý nên chọn những hạt đậu đỏ tròn, mập và to không bị mốc hay lép.
Máy xay sinh tố, nếu bạn xay không mịn, còn lợm cợm thì ibox mình nhé
Hộp đựng bột đậu đỏ.
Tiến hành:
Bước 1: Rửa sạch đậu đỏ để loại bỏ chất bảo quản, bụi bẩn bên ngoài hạt. Những hạt đậu đỏ nổi lên mặt nước là những hạt lép, hỏng, không có nhiều bột bên trong, vì vậy vớt bỏ đi. Rửa lại lần 2, sau đó vớt lên, để ráo nước.
Bước 2: Khi đậu đỏ ráo nước, bắc chảo lên bếp, khuyên bạn nên rang đậu trên than sẽ thơm ngon hơn. Lòng chảo để trên bếp lửa cho khô, tiến hành đổ đậu đỏ vào. Đảo đều tay để hạt chín đều nhau, rang tới khi có mùi thơm là chín. Trong quá trình rang, để lửa nhỏ để tránh bị cháy bên ngoài mà bên trong không chín, chất lượng bột sẽ giảm. Sau khi thấy chín, tắt bếp, đổ hạt đậu ra ngoài để nguội.
Bước 3: Sau khi hạt đậu đỏ đã nguội, cho hạt vào vào máy xay sinh tố xay cho hạt đỗ mịn và đều.
Bước 4: Đổ bột đậu đỏ vào hộp đựng, đậy kín nắp, để nhiệt độ trong phòng, tránh ánh nắng trực tiếp, tránh chỗ ẩm.

Vì đậu đỏ là nguyên liệu tự nhiên hết sức an toàn, lành tính nên hiệu quả sẽ mất thời gian hơn so với các sản phẩm tắm trắng bán trên thị trường. Cần kiên trì thực hiện trong một thời gian dài và kết hợp sử dụng các sản phẩm dưỡng da khác để có hiệu quả tốt nhất... Đặc biệt, bạn cũng đừng quên bôi kem chống nắng để bảo vệ da khỏi ánh nắng mặt trời.

adzuki bean; cach lam bot dau do; cach lam bot dau do tai nha; che dau do; hat dau do; nuoc dau do rang; an dau do co tot khong; bot dau do tri mun; bot dau do dap mat; bot dau do mua o dau; bot dau xanh; nuoc dau do giam can; che dau do tao do

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 11, 2021

Golden Arowana and Super High Back Arowana in my farm

This video will show you about golden arowana and super high back arowana in my farm. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

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Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 11, 2021

3 Beautiful high back golden arowana fish super | Malaysian gold arowana

This video will show you about 3 beautiful high back golden arowana fish super malaysian gold arowana. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 11, 2021

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 10, 2021

4 cách để làm cho gel móng tay của bạn giữ được lâu

Đó là một câu chuyện cũ như thời gian. Bạn CHỈ CÓ móng tay của bạn đã hoàn thành, và chúng đã bắt đầu  chip. Đây không chỉ là một sự bất tiện mà việc tẩy sơn gel không đúng cách có thể làm hỏng móng tay tự nhiên của bạn. Hãy tiếp tục đọc để tìm ra bốn cách hàng đầu giúp làm móng gel của bạn bền lâu hơn

1. cách sơn gel không dùng bút

Bằng mọi giá, hãy tránh sử dụng móng tay của bạn như một công cụ. Nhãn, hộp giấy và băng dính có thể dễ dàng làm bong lớp sơn gel của bạn, và nó đơn giản là không đáng có rủi ro làm hỏng lớp sơn đẹp đẽ của bạn.

2. Sơn gel đẹp bằng dầu biểu bì

Dầu biểu bì là người bạn tốt nhất của móng tay. Chúng ta thường nhặt da chết xung quanh móng tay, điều này khiến sơn gel của chúng ta có nguy cơ bị bong tróc. Dầu biểu bì giữ nước cho da xung quanh móng tay của bạn, làm giảm nguy cơ bong tróc da; do đó, loại bỏ khả năng đánh bóng gel của bạn khi tẩy da chết. Ngoài ra, hoạt chất của dầu biểu bì là một rào cản cho móng tay của bạn và bảo vệ móng tay khỏi va chạm hoặc trầy xước. PS Chúng tôi đã tạo ra một loại Dầu biểu bì thay đổi cuộc sống mà bạn có thể mua  tại đây .

3. Bảo trì thường xuyên sơn móng tay gel của bạn

Tẩy sơn gel đúng cách và chăm sóc lớp biểu bì và móng tay thường xuyên là rất quan trọng để duy trì một bộ móng đẹp. Đặt trước cuộc hẹn hai tuần của bạn và theo kịp lịch trình hai tuần một lần. Không thể đến thẩm mỹ viện để loại bỏ? Chúng tôi hiểu rồi; cuộc sống xảy ra. Kiểm tra các  lăm tốt nhất chất tẩy tại nhà gel đánh bóng , theo . 

4. Đeo găng tay bảo vệ cho móng khi mới sơn gel

Việc nhúng tay vào nước hoặc tiếp xúc với các hóa chất mạnh khi tẩy rửa có thể khiến móng tay bị tổn thương. Hãy mang theo một đôi găng tay vào lần tới khi bạn xem lại danh sách giặt là các công việc gia đình để giữ cho gel mani của bạn được bảo vệ.

Chúng tôi biết cảm giác sợ hãi sau lần đầu tiên làm móng tay của bạn. Tiệm mt nails woodbury mn 55125 chia sẽ Bốn bước trên sẽ giúp bạn bảo quản móng tay đẹp và giữ cho móng gel của bạn bền lâu hơn, hãy đến với chúng tôi để được làm đẹp, link địa chỉ:

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 10, 2021

King FaFu Golden Arowana to the of fish Scleropages Formosus

This video will show you about King fafu golden arowana to the of fish Scleropages formosus. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channe

find us

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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 9, 2021

The Arowana Fish Aquarium Tank under Maying Light

This video will show you about The arowana fish aquarium tank under maying light. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 9, 2021

Top 5 Golden Base Kamfa Flowerhorn fish has body beautiful

This video will show you about top 5 golden base kamfa flowerhorn fish has body beautiful. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 8, 2021

Short Body Crossback Golden 24k9999 Asian Arowana singapore

This video will show you about short body crossback golden 24k9999 asian arowana singapore. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love Tom Koi Fish Channel

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 8, 2021

Flowerhorn Growth Stages Nutrition Supplements is Shrimp puree

This video will show you about flowerhorn growth stages nutrition supplements is shrimp puree. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 8, 2021

My Sumo Short Body Indo Red Asian Arowana fish baby

This video will show you about My Sumo Short Body Indo Red Asian Arowana fish baby. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 8, 2021

1 Month Baby Flowerhorn SRD life in one Aquarium tank

This video will show you about 1 Month Baby Flowerhorn SRD life in one Aquarium tank. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 8, 2021

This is Arowana Short Body Sumo Fish Male or Female

This video will show you about This is arowana short body sumo fish male or female. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 8, 2021

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 7, 2021

Technical Standards for Raising Arhat Fish King Kamfa

– Design of the aquarium: The minimum requirement is that the length of the tank is 3 times the length of the fish. Because an adult King kamfa Arhat can reach more than 30cm, a tank of more than 1m is the most reasonable.

– Number of rearing: It is recommended to buy 5 or more fish because so you will have a beautiful school of fish and the fish will grow better. In addition, small fish you can keep together and feeding is also easier, fish will be bolder and happier if you only raise 1 fish.

– Water temperature (degrees Celsius): 25-30

– Water hardness (dH): 9-20

– pH for water: 6.5- 7.8

– The water change mode is every 3 days with 50% of the water in the lake

The feeding regime is about 3-4 times/day. The best food for young King Kamfa is TOP (the name of the food) because this food has a stimulating effect on the fry of the fry to be brighter and more abundant. Feeding this type 3 times a day + 1 time of worms is only for the comprehensive development of the fish, because the worms only help the fish to have a lot of protein (protein) good for the head of the fish. You need to remember that you only need to feed once and you must combine feeding TOP regularly because if you feed too many worms, the larvae of the fry will fade and lose all. A good live food that can replace worms is larva or Artemia (the best and most effective but a bit hard to find).

The most technical standard with how to raise king kamfa 3

You should pay attention to the conditions of temperature, water ... of the aquarium 

- The menu for each stage of feeding:

+ For young King Kamfa (about 1-2 cm) to 1 little finger, we should feed protein-rich foods such as black tiger shrimp or silver shrimp and should peel for shrimp meat and add dry food 3 meals a day because this is the beginning of development and needs to be fully supplemented. And if 2-3 weeks of applying 1 diet, but the fish still has no change in head and size development index, it is recommended to change the diet and habitat such as adding small fish, only feeding dry food 2 times. /day, 3 days to feed 1 time fresh food.

+ For fish from 1 thumb to 2.5 fingers, shrimp with shell should be given but the head and sharp spines must be removed so as not to stab the fish's stomach, feed in moderation because eating a lot of sharks will not grow. early growth and should be fed 2 meals combined with dry food. Dry food should pay attention to the protein composition (#protein) if the percentage of protein is higher, the better. At this stage, you can feed the fish more Artemia or black tiger shrimp, when eating it, shred it to fit the fish's mouth.

Read more: Top 6 Kamfa Flowerhorn Cichlid fish has body luxury 4k

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 7, 2021

Things you don't know about nail art at Nails Place TX 75034

 How to handle cotton wool soaked in acetone in nail art properly and without breaking the law?

This is an important job do not take lightly, because it is very likely the cause of your sanction when the State Board comes to check. Store acetone-soaked cotton balls in sealed bags, or in tightly-sealed containers, and be sure to dispose of them in the store's trash can. You should pay close attention to this and do it right often.

What is a foot spa service? What are the benefits of nail salon?

This service has recently grown in many places across many states, and its name is Red Dragon Steamer. Tools and materials to do this can be found at nail supplies in all parts of the United States.

Through this service, guests will be provided with a very relaxing and attractive foot bath service, the smell of essential oils released when the steam is released will make guests comfortable and reduce stress. This new form of service business will help nail salons better attract customers from near and far, contributing to increasing the salon's income and creating a more attractive service offering style for their nail salon .

What is the fastest way to remove gel at Nails Place 8811 Teel Pkwy Frisco TX 75034

Due to its strong adhesion on gel nails, it is often more difficult to remove gel from nails than acrylic powder. A good practice is to fill the Expert Touch Removal Wrap with the Expert Touch Lacquer Remover, then wrap the nail - which removes the gel very well. Many gel makers take advantage of this approach.

Is it right or wrong to remove and clean spa tub parts once a week in California?

Doing it once a week is against the law. Thus, on weekdays, it is clear that the spa tub is not clean to serve guests, the possibility of infection will be very high and extremely dangerous, unsafe at work. By California law, salons are required to remove and clean all removable parts of the Foot Spa tub, with soap and water, and with due care at the end of each day.

What is cracked paint gel? How to use?

As a special paint used in nail art, following the trend of Crackle nail art, when it dries, it will appear strange shaped cracks on the nails and no cracks are like any other cracks like natural drawings. randomly so.

The basic way to use is, first apply Base Coat, then apply cracked paint in as many ways as you want (can use a color sponge and then dab on nails), when the colorful base coat has dried a bit. . The work when formed will be very impressive and fancy. Once the water-based paint has dried, apply a protective polish to the nails.

How to thin and shorten nails art designs 2022 technically & safely?

When performing these jobs, it should be noted that if the nails are too thin, use a Sapphire drill, use medium speed and apply appropriate angle. Usually a 90 degree angle should be kept. When manipulating the nail file , it should be done gently and should not be pressed too hard. As for shortening false nails, you need to pay attention to keep the file upright with a smooth up and down standard operation to shorten the nail tip safely and quickly.

Where to refer to regulations on nail fines? Where to refer to the regulations on cleaning Foot Spa chairs? (in the State of California)

How to prepare the skin around the simple nail art designs when doing nails quickly and effectively?

A few things to do: use a B3 file to quickly clean the skin around the nail, if it is a hidden corner that is difficult to do, then use a stone head file of compatible range to remove dead skin from the nails, especially on the surface of the nails. . The secret to quick finishing is to pay attention to rotating the client's hand when working, using a low speed on the filer is most beneficial, usually around 3,000 RPMs is appropriate.

Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 6, 2021

Nguyên liệu làm bột ngũ cốc cho bà bầu 3 tháng cuối thai kỳ


☘️Ngũ cốc giàu chất dinh dưỡng, đảm bảo vệ sinh do chính tay mình làm nha! 
🥛Rất tốt cho sức khỏe , bổ sung nhiều chất xơ, ... 
   - Dành cho mọi lứa tuổi: người già, trẻ em, ng mang bầu, ng ốm, giúp lợi sữa cho mẹ bỉm.... 
#ngucocnhalam với nguyên liệu sạch 100%
 - Được làm từ các loại đậu: Đậu đỏ, Đậu đen, Đậu xanh, Đậu nành, Đậu trắng, Gạo lức, Nếp cẩm, và đặc biệt có ÓC CHÓ, HẠNH NHÂN, MACCA, YẾN MẠCH, HẠT CHIA, HẠT SEN, vừng đen .... tổng là 16 loại hạt

CÔNG DỤNG BỘT NGŨ CỐC để làm gì ư?

🌸Để chị làm đẹp, để anh tập gym ❤
🌸Để ông bà bồi bổ ❤
🌸Để em bé tập ăn ❤
💖 Để mẹ nhiều sữa
❤️ Để mẹ bầu đủ chất
🎊Cung cấp đầy đủ chất dinh dưỡng cho tất cả mọi lứa tuổi, không kén người dùng.

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 5, 2021

Love many fish arowanas asian with my daughter relaxing after work

This video will show you about Love many fish arowanas asian with my daughter relaxing after work. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Tips hướng dẫn cách ủ Bơ và bảo quản bơ chín quá mà không bị "hư"

Trái Cây Giảm Cân Tốt: Tips hướng dẫn cách ủ Bơ và bảo quản bơ chín quá m...: Công dụng của bơ đối mang sức khỏe là không thể bàn cãi, không bắt buộc trùng hợp mà giới nhà nghiên cứu  khẳng định bơ là một trong những c...

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 5, 2021

Red whiskered bulbul singing on the morning is relaxing

This video will show you about Red whiskered bulbul singing on the morning is relaxing. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 5, 2021

short body arowana and super red arowana indonesia

This video will show you about short body arowana and super red arowana indonesia. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 4, 2021

Top 4 Gorgeous Super Golden Arowanas | Big Arowana fish

This video will show you about Top 4 Gorgeous Super Golden Arowanas | Big Arowana fish. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 4, 2021

arowana malaysia golden blue base

This video will show you aboutarowana malaysia golden blue base. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 4, 2021

How to raise the asian arowana dragon fish to a beautiful color

Arowana is kept by many people because it is considered the king of aquarium fish. They are loved for their elegance and especially bring many feng shui elements that bring good omen to homeowners and dispel evil spirits,

Arowana prices are very high depending on the type of fish. And of course raising arowanas is not easy either. If you do not know about the properties and have prevention techniques, the fish will easily die or get sick.

1. Prepare before raising arowanas

1.1 Selection of fingerlings
Choosing a fish breed is an important step. It affects the growth and development of fish in the future. When choosing, you pay attention to features such as color, shape, eyes, scales, ...

The  fish's body must not be too big or too small, have no deformities or defects such as beard cut, blurred vision. You should choose fish that are large and long (if there are fish to compare). Because these animals are in good health and inherited good genes from their parents.

The swimming posture  must be balanced, and there is no one-sided phenomenon when swimming. When swimming the fish fins must be spread out. The fish must like the activity of not crouching in the corner.

2.1 What do arowanas eat? Arowana food

Food for this fish should be fresh and of sufficient quality. Insects are often used to kill them, so if you feed your fish with them, your fish tank will be poisoned!

Some species carry bacteria and also helminths in the body. So make sure your fish food is fresh and from a clear source.

For children under 25cm, you feed them 2 to 3 times a day. When older, just 1 time a day is enough. Avoid leaving food left in the tank causing contamination. Feed them moderately so that they do not feel less appetite. And of course you must enjoy cleaning the leftovers from the tank!

You should only buy crickets and cockroaches that have been kept by humans to avoid being poisoned by insecticides. Small fish such as Siamese fighting fish, 3-tailed fish, and juveniles, make sure that they have been kept separately for 1 week before making bait for arowanas.

Because these types of fish contain a lot of cheat, they will be spread easily to fish. And it is important that you feed your fish highly nutritious foods to ensure maturity.

2.2 Change the water in the #aquarium​

Depending on the size of the fish, you change the water from 1 to 2 times a week. 30% for small fish and 50% for big fish. This depends on the number of fish in the tank, the volume of water and the capacity of the tank. This means that for every small tank, many fish will change the water regularly.
This fish is also very sensitive to foreign chemicals such as chlorine. When changing the water, you should add a substance except chlorine and chemicals of iron. Ideally, you should store the sediment for 24 hours before you change it.
The pH of the device is usually higher than 7.0. Therefore, it is recommended to change the water, you should occasionally add "black water" (Black Water Extract) to ease the #pH​. This viejc also helps to create a natural environment like where they are born.

2.3 What is the aquarium tank cap like?

Arowana tanks definitely cannot lack a lid. Most of the causes of high mortality in fish are players who do not use a cap or use it but neglect it.

This fish jumps very high. In the wild, arowanas often hunt for insects on the branches of trees that point to the lake correctly even though they are high. If you leave room on the lid, keep it smaller or at most equal to the fish's head.

If you encounter a large arowana, you should put a brick on the lid to increase weight. Many large arowanas were lost but the owner was not aware of jumping out of the lake.

2.4 The secret to beautiful Dragon fish

Every time you admire these colorful mermaids freely swimming in the aquarium, you feel comfortable, right? Therefore color is arguably the most important factor.

But that is just the foundation. You need to let the #arowana​ live in an environment with very good water and good quality food for you to achieve the advantages.

To have very good water, you should have a very good water filtration system and change the water regularly. Every day, use a racquet to remove all waste regularly and check the pH of the water regularly. At the same time check both alum and alkalinity.

Arowana is in need of carotene to develop lines and color. Therefore, you should feed the fish with shrimps in the shell for a fresher color. In addition, feeding fish with 3 tails will increase minerals, vitamins and fats necessary for the growth of the fish.

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Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 4, 2021

Cận cảnh cá rồng đỏ Châu Á tuyệt đẹp của tôi


Cận cảnh cá rồng đỏ Châu Á tuyệt đẹp của tôi. Loài cá này tôi nuôi trong 2 năm từ con nhỏ, và chăm kỹ các loại thức ăn như, giun, cá con, rết con

Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 4, 2021

Goldfish aquarium tank taking me relaxing after my work

This video will show you about Goldfish aquarium tank taking me relaxing after my work. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 4, 2021

How to raise goldfish Ryukin to grow faster with frozen cordyceps best food

I. How to best use frozen cordyceps for aquarium​ goldfish​

Cordyceps is a nutritious food for aquarium fish, so bloodworms are chosen by many aquariums as a nutritious food, simple and easy to make feeding method.

Bloodworms are usually divided into pills or blisters. Depending on the quantity of #fish​, customers can feed the fish in blister packs or tablets.

1. How to feed the fish with bloodworm:

Method 1 : Thaw the bloodworms then feed the fish.
Method 2: Put the bloodworm tablet directly into the tank for the fish to pee.
II. Bloodworms help provide nutrients and iron to aquarium fish

a. Nutritional composition of bloodworm

According to the results of chemical analysis, the blood contains 9.3% dry matter. In which 62.5% crude protein, 10.4% crude fat, 11.6% ash and 15.6% carbohydrates.

In addition, with the rich composition of #bloodworm hemoglobin, it helps provide nutrients and iron for fish to grow.

b. Should aquarium fish eat bloodworm?

Bloodworm is a rich source of nutritious food to support fish development, bloodworm helps fish grow fast, with high reproductive rate .

In addition, bloodworm also helps the fish to color faster thanks to the hemoglobin component contained in the bloodworm.

Note: It is the quantity and quality of mosquito larvae that have a decisive influence on wild fish productivity in carp ponds and other benthic fish. So people immediately think of active farming of Chironomus shaking mosquito larvae - because this is a food species with high nutritional value and the benthic fish are preferred (note: Chironomus shakes do not bite at all. , unlike mosquitoes that need to be destroyed are Culex, Anopheles…

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 3, 2021

Top 5 best animals most expensive arowana fish in the world

This video will show you about Top 10 Best Arowana Fish Animal live Malaysian. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 3, 2021

Blood red asian arowana fetching luck with everything for you

This video will show you about Blood red asian arowana fetching luck with everything for you. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 3, 2021

How to rasise feng shui golden arowana fish

Area and #arowana​ #aquarium​ tank

Depending on the size of the fish, choose the size of the lake. If their length is less than 20cm, the tank only needs 1.2 × 0.5 × 0.5m. In the case of an adult fish, you can choose a tank with a size of 1.8 × 0.6 × 0.5m.

The arowana aquarium should have a lid to avoid dirt.

Make sure the temperature in the water is always not too cold, the most suitable level is 29-300C.
The ideal pH is about 7. If this indicator suddenly increases - decrease will greatly affect the growth and development of the fish.
Should change water about 2 times / week, if the water is not too dirty, it can be changed once a week. Do not change the water completely once.
Location of lake (tank)
To raise the arowana to grow quickly, the homeowner should usually choose places with few people to set up the tank because it is both convenient for the life of the #fish​ and helps you relieve stress without being affected by people around. .
Light is also very important, so choose the location where the lake is to catch natural light every morning and afternoon. Natural light will help the fish color maximize to highlight your beauty.
At night, if possible, leave the lake light or if it is off, turn off slowly, do not turn off the light suddenly, the fish will panic and run around can crash into the tank and injure them.

Arowana density in the aquarium or aquarium

Arowana is a special fish, they have a very high toxicity, so if you drop more than 1 fish in the same small area, they will bite each other violently. Therefore, only 1 arowana should be kept in a small grounds. If the farming area is large, it is possible to raise 6-10 children.
The process of dropping both properly
Pour the water about 4 days before stocking. Need to measure the pH to see if the correct level is not.
When buying fish, drop the whole package in the tank to practice for the fish to get used to it. After 15 minutes, drill for the fish, but take the water from the lake and pour it into the bag. When the fish get used to it, then let the fish completely expose it to the new environment.
On the first day, the fish do not need to eat (or rather, they do not want to eat), only aerate the fish when the fish does not look well, otherwise it should not be scooped out on this first day.

Arowana food and feeding method

Arowana favorite foods are shrimp, shrimps, insects, small fish, ready-to-eat pellets ... Fish food must be kept fresh, if available food, it must be still expired, not damp or moldy.
To raise the young arowanas quickly to grow, they need to eat about 3 times / day. Big fish are fed 1-2 times / day. Do not feed much because it affects digestion and they are also very greasy. In addition, if they do not eat all the excess, it will quickly pollute the water.
Above, although it is only preliminary knowledge about arowanas farming techniques, but hopefully it helps somewhat for those who have or are planning to raise.

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 3, 2021

The Red Arowana and short body base arowana in Community Tank

This video will show you about The Red Arowana and short body base arowana in Community Tank. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 3, 2021

Top 4 Arowana Fish Lucky | Super Rare Arowana Legend

This video will show you about Top 4 Arowana Fish Lucky Super Rare Arowana Legend. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 3, 2021

4 Amazing Super Red Arowana Fish Beautiful | Arowana Fish Tank

This video will show you about4 Amazing Super Red Arowana Fish Beautiful Arowana Fish Tank. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 3, 2021

Most Beautiful Golden Arowana | Amazing Arowana Legend

This video will show you about Most Beautiful Golden Arowana | Amazing Arowana Legend. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 3, 2021

Ranchu Goldfish animal crossing swimming lessons of my farm

This video will show you about Ranchu Goldfish animal crossing swimming lessons of my farm. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Super Red Crossback Arowana in My House for me

This video will show you about Super Red Crossback Arowana in My House for me. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Review raspberry pi 400 keyboard computer full

raspberry pi 400 keyboard computer 2022

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 3, 2021

The introduction of the platinum silver arowana fish

1. Origin of platinum silver arowana fish

Dragonfish Arowana  has the scientific name Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
- English name is: Silver Arowana
- Distribution area: Dragonfish arowanas mainly live in the Amazon River basin, river Rupununi (Guyana) and Oyapock (French Guyana) of South America.

Silver fish is quite popular among aquarium hobbyists and it is widely available all over the world

2. Biological characteristics for platinum silver arowana singapore

Silver fish are large fish that can grow up to 1m or larger

Arowana species but has more engraved features than other arowanas of the same type it has a body like a blade

Silverfish are quite healthy and can be kept with large carnivorous fish such as red snapper or other arowanas.

- The fish has the heart to keep the eggs and incubate them in their mouth

3. How to temperature feed and take care of silver arowana

Dragonfish is quite healthy, so many beginners choose to practice Arowana to practice

Fish eat food such as: #worms, #shrimp, shrimps, trash fish …… ..

It lives in the tropics, so less than 28 degrees Celsius cold resistance is the most reasonable

Silverfish are quite large in size so the #aquarium must also be suitable and designed according to the standards of arowana aquariums

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 3, 2021

Beautiful African Cichlid Tank Mates | Amazing Cichlid Tank Setup

This video will show you about Beautiful African Cichlid Tank Mates | Amazing Cichlid Tank Setup. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

I take care asian arowana fish in my farm on everyday

This video will show you about I take care asian arowana fish in my farm on everyday. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 2, 2021

Super high back blue base arowana size 30

This video will show you about Super high back blue base arowana size 30. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

I lunch preparation is shrimp food to feed the arowana fish

What Is Arowana Food And How To Eat Arowana Properly

Updated detailed information about What is Arowana Food Hopefully the article content will meet your needs, we will regularly update the content so that you can receive information quickly and accurately.
Arowanas are easygoing species, so they can eat a variety of foods. In addition to paying attention to the diet, you also have to take care of food safety and hygiene for them. So what do arowana eat, favorite with which dish and what should be noted when choosing arowana food? All of this will be addressed shortly.

1. Favorite Arowana foods is the  small animals

Dragon worm : Very nutritious. Used as food for large fish such as arowana, #flowerhorn​ fish.....

#insects​: This is the most popular arowana food and if eaten a lot, it can be addictive because once eaten, they do not want to change their taste. Therefore, you should only give extra snacks and do not feed at the same time with other food, as the arowana will leave the other food and spoil the water. When feeding insects, also do not feed the fish with the head or legs as these are very hard will damage the fish, such as fish with protruding anus. If caught with this disease, it will take a long time for the fish to heal. Rice worms or superworm worms before feeding arowanas should feed them spirulina powder first to convert this nutrient into arowanas.

Frogs or #frogs​: contains a lot of protein and is an excellent food for the growth and size of arowanas. Frogs and clones are used in arowana farms around the world for broodfish to rapidly recover and increase spawning yields. Also frogs are available everywhere.

Fresh shrimp: you should only feed large arowanas shrimp because the spines are very sharp can damage the stomach of the young fish, causing many kinds of difficult to cure. If you still want to use this food for small fish. Then you can peel and cut the legs and pointed tips of the shrimp, chopped into small pieces to make the fry easy to eat.

Frozen Shrimp: This food is also very easy to find in supermarkets, you can buy fresh or frozen, but check to choose only fresh ones. This food contains a lot of Antaxanthin and Carotene which are essential for arowanas, especially for coloring blood dragon fish. Shrimp shells are great for adding calcium to your fish and with this food you should only feed large arowanas.

Earth lizards or pups: Earth lizards are easy to buy at marketplaces, or wall lizards and you need to watch out for lizards that eat the wrong bait. Baby mice can be ordered at restaurants, which is the most nutritious source of nutrition for large arowanas.

Beef heart mixture: You grind the above mixture and pour it into a baking tray (less than 1 cm thick). Place the tray in the refrigerator (make sure to cover it to avoid odor) and once the food has frozen, cut it into large pieces. When feeding fish, cut large pieces into small pieces that fit the fish's mouth. All aquarium fish like to eat beef heart, including discus.

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2021

Albino malaysian golden arowana for sale

This video will show you about Albino malaysian golden arowana for sale. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 2, 2021

Dragon fish feng shui beautiful short body arowana

This video will show you about Dragon fish feng shui beautiful short body arowana. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Where are super red arowana from

This video will show you about Where are super red arowana from. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Top 10 arowana is strongest Predatory Fish animal in the world

This video will show you about Top 10 arowana is strongest Predatory Fish animal in the world. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

malaysian golden crossback blue base arowana fish

This video will show you about high back malaysian golden crossback blue base arowana fish. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 2, 2021

Where did super red arowana originate coolest | Cutest Animals 2022

Arowana fish is a type of freshwater fish. They appeared about 200 million years old ago with two origins. One is the Osteoglossidae from South America. The other is Scleropages from Asia, Australia. This fish live in a warm climate, the temperature is about 23 - 30 o C.

This is a flat-bodied, large and long more fish with a triangular header. In particular, the fish has large #scales like goosebumps, mouth with 2 hairs very long...✅✅if you care them us for a long time in house with food arowana is #insect, #frog, worm.... At the same time, this arowana is very aggressive, fierce, predator, prey on the surface. So this is a fish that is quite similar to the dragon fish, a sacred animal according to the concept for Eastern people in the world.

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Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2021

The symbolizes golden arowana rich and lucky

According to chinese culture, keeping the arowana on my house will bring luck and prosperity, so its price fish is often very high.
According to Chinese culture, keeping the red arowana indoors will bring luck and prosperity, so its price is often very high.

Golden Arowana is up to nearly a meter in length and lives up to 25 years old. The rich and famous families in China often like this fish. According to Chinese custom, that they are descendants of dragons, many people pay large sums of money to own a fish of their own. Like alcohol, long-life fish are usually very more expensive.

According to geomancy (風水), the red or golden 24k arowana brings luck and prosperity to the homeowner. The dragons are red and yellow in color, creating a symbol of wealth. Most arowanas are kept a secret indoors and kept away from prying eyes, they are treasures that only the owner can. enjoys that lucky.
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Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 2, 2021

How to raise arowanas with food SuperWorm on grown up

This video will show you about How to raise arowanas with food SuperWorm on grown up. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel. I selling food SuperWorm for Arowana.

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Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 2, 2021

How to raise the Blue Purple Base Arowana super rapid growth

How to Arowana Asian

In the wild, arowanas usually spawn at the beginning of the flood season (December - January).
Before spawning, they mate and build a nest. The female then lays eggs into the nest before the male puts the eggs in their mouth. The Base Arowana fish is a mouth breeder.

These eggs are quite large and orange or red arowana

Males carry eggs for about 50 days, where they mature and fry from one egg to the larvae. About 5 weeks after hatching, they leave their mouths and start looking for food.

Unfortunately, there are only a handful of home aquarium success stories. These successes have also been reported from tanks / ponds larger than 500 gallons. For this reason, it is generally not advisable to propagate them from a home aquarium.

Most of the arowanas available today come from Asian fish farms.

Is Blue Purple Base Arowana fish the right one for your aquarium? (Summary)
Silver Arowana is not a fish suitable for beginners.

Due to its size and long lifespan, only experienced aquarium hobbyists will face this challenge. It requires a huge tank (minimum capacity of 250 gallons) and it can be difficult to find the right tank colleague for them.

They are considered carnivores and eat large amounts of food. Hence, this should also be taken into account before buying. However, you can make your own fish food to save money.

For the price, the Blue Purple Base Arowana is usually the cheapest arowana available and should cost around $ 100 for a small one.

If you are looking for an arowana, try buying it if it is at least 20 cm long. At this point, they are starting to mature and are much more difficult, which means you have a better chance of keeping them successful.

Have you kept the silver arowana yet? Let me know your experience with them in the comments below

1. Blue Purple Base Arowana appearance
2. General behavior Base Arowana fish
3. Habitat and Base Arowana tank requirements 
4. Base Arowana Tank conditions
5. PH for water 6.5 – 7
6. Base Arowana food is animal/ centipede / giant tiger prawn/ insect/ frog
super red arowana care with food insect

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 2, 2021

Top 10 Best Arowana Fish Animal live Malaysian

This video will show you about Top 10 Best Arowana Fish Animal live Malaysian. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 2, 2021

How to raise basic 24k crossback arowana healthy, beautiful color

✅✅How to raise arowana healthy, beautiful color

✅What do arowanas eat? Arowana food

The food for this fish should be fresh and of sufficient quality. Insects are often used to kill them, so if you feed your fish with them, your fish tank will be poisoned!

Some species carry bacteria and also helminths in the body. So make sure your fish food is fresh and from a clear source.

For children under 25cm, you feed them 2 to 3 times a day. When older, just 1 time a day is enough. Avoid leaving food left in the tank causing contamination. Feed them moderately so that they do not feel anorexia. And of course, enjoy cleaning the leftovers from the tank!

You should only buy crickets and cockroaches that have been kept by humans to avoid being poisoned by the insecticide. Small fish such as Siamese fighting fish, 3-tailed fish, and juveniles, make sure that they have been kept separately for 1 week before making bait for arowanas.
Because these types of fish contain a lot of cheat, they will be spread easily to fish. And it is important that you feed your fish highly nutritious foods to ensure maturity.

✅Change the water in the aquarium tank

Depending on the size of the fish, change the water from 1 to 2 times a week. 30% for small fish and 50% for big fish. This depends on the number of fish in the tank, the volume of water and the capacity of the tank. This means that for every small tank, many fish will change water regularly.
This Arowana fish is also very sensitive to foreign chemicals such as chlorine. When changing the water, you should add more chlorine excreta and iron chemicals. Ideally, you should store the sediment for 24 hours before you change it.
The pH of the device is usually higher than 7.0. Therefore, it is recommended to change the water, you should occasionally add "black water" (Black Water Extract) to ease the pH. This viejc also helps to create a natural environment like where they are born.

✅What is the aquarium tank design cap like?

Arowana tanks definitely cannot lack a lid. Most of the causes of high mortality in fish are players who do not use a cap or use it but neglect it.

This fish jumps very high. In the wild, arowanas often hunt for insects on the branches of trees that point to the lake correctly even though they are high. If you leave room on the lid, keep it smaller or at most equal to the fish's head.

If you encounter a large arowana, you should put a brick on the lid to increase weight. Many large arowanas were lost but the owner was not aware of jumping out of the lake.

✅The secret to beautiful arowanas fish

Every time you admire these colorful mermaids freely swimming in the aquarium, you feel comfortable, right? Therefore color is arguably the most important factor.

But that is just the foundation. You need to let the arowana live in an environment with very good water and good quality food for you to achieve the advantages.

To have very good water, you should have a very good water filtration system and change water regularly. Every day, use a racquet to remove all waste regularly and check the pH of the water regularly. At the same time check both alum and alkalinity.

Arowana is in need of carotene to develop lines and color. Therefore, you should feed the fish with shrimps in the shell for a fresher color. In addition, feeding fish with 3 tails will increase minerals, vitamins and fats necessary for the growth of the fish.

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 2, 2021

Black african arowana super bigger size | The best animal 2022

This video will show you about Black african arowana super bigger size | The best animal 2022. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

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Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 1, 2021

Happiest Red Arowana and Black Flowerhorn fish | True Friendship

This video will show you about Happiest Red Arowana and Black Flowerhorn fish | True Friendship. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 1, 2021

How much is the super red arowana price malaysia

What is the current price of red arowana? In the aquarium world, the arowana is known as the "King". Arowana in the world today has many types, each with its own beauty, unique characteristics and of course the value of buying and selling arowanas of each species is also not the same.

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 1, 2021

High Quality Arowana Breeding Farm in Indonesia | Magpie Robin

This video will show you about high back High Quality Arowana Breeding Farm in Indonesia. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

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where to buy yellow tail arowana | Magpie Robin

Some criteria help you how to buy yellow-tailed arowanas where to keep the fish healthy and satisfy the hobbyist's needs. Hope you will enjoy this video and love My Channel. Read more

high back golden arowana has fish scales very beautiful

This video will show you about high back golden arowana has fish scales very beautiful. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

super red arowana care with food insect | Magpie Robin

This video will show you about super red arowana care with food insect. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel. And my sell insect for arowana food. inbox/comment on the my channel

Ancient arowana favorite foods with is centipede

This video will show you about Ancient arowana favorite foods with is centipede. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel. And my sell centipede for arowana food. inbox/comment on the my channel

I hobbies the red dragon arowana on house tempered glass tank

This video will show you about high back I hobbies the red dragon arowana in house tempered glass tank. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 1, 2021

How to feed for arowana bigger with food amazonian giant centipede

This video will show you about How to feed for arowana bigger with food amazonian giant centipede. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

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Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 1, 2021

I keep fish golden arowana for 24 months in the farm

I keep fish golden arowana for 24 months in the farm

Arowana has now become a favorite fish for many people who love to keep aquarium fish and fish for feng shui purposes. You can refer to how to raise arowanas or techniques and experience in raising arowanas, helping the fish stay healthy below.

Owning an arowana tank may seem like a complex process that requires tons  of knowledge  and accessories but actually only takes 5 steps to successfully raise the arowana.

Once you have prepared everything, you can easily catch fish for farming within 3 days. In fact, most of the 3-day period is simply waiting for the water to qualify.

Arowana aquariums are chosen by many families today not only bring fortune to the homeowner, but also can restrain in the house, dispel any bad luck and goodness. However, only when you understand how to raise arowanas below, you will have the healthiest fish . Let’s find out how that technique!

The most simple and effective way for you 1
Arowana simple and effective way of raising. Number of arowanas when raised. Because the arowana is a unique and aggressive species, you can never keep 2-3 animals in the same tank, but you can only keep 1 individual 1 tank or 6-10 fish 1 large lake because when living in a collective environment, their aggressiveness seems more homely.

1. Things to note when choosing to buy arowanas fish
2. Aquarium design
3. Install the filter system
4. Lighting for aquarium tank
5. Cover to avoid dust or dirt
6.  Water Treatment,  stable water temperature in the arowana fish tank
7. Pay attention to the pH in the arowana system
8. Nitrate and Ammonia
9. Change the water on everday for arowana fish tank temperature
10. How to release the fish when brought back
11. How to feed the arowana effectively
12. The secrets to making arowana fish food up beautiful color

Good luck, Channel comment I will advise for free