Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 4, 2021

Top 4 Gorgeous Super Golden Arowanas | Big Arowana fish

This video will show you about Top 4 Gorgeous Super Golden Arowanas | Big Arowana fish. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 4, 2021

arowana malaysia golden blue base

This video will show you aboutarowana malaysia golden blue base. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel.

Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 4, 2021

How to raise the asian arowana dragon fish to a beautiful color

Arowana is kept by many people because it is considered the king of aquarium fish. They are loved for their elegance and especially bring many feng shui elements that bring good omen to homeowners and dispel evil spirits,

Arowana prices are very high depending on the type of fish. And of course raising arowanas is not easy either. If you do not know about the properties and have prevention techniques, the fish will easily die or get sick.

1. Prepare before raising arowanas

1.1 Selection of fingerlings
Choosing a fish breed is an important step. It affects the growth and development of fish in the future. When choosing, you pay attention to features such as color, shape, eyes, scales, ...

The  fish's body must not be too big or too small, have no deformities or defects such as beard cut, blurred vision. You should choose fish that are large and long (if there are fish to compare). Because these animals are in good health and inherited good genes from their parents.

The swimming posture  must be balanced, and there is no one-sided phenomenon when swimming. When swimming the fish fins must be spread out. The fish must like the activity of not crouching in the corner.

2.1 What do arowanas eat? Arowana food

Food for this fish should be fresh and of sufficient quality. Insects are often used to kill them, so if you feed your fish with them, your fish tank will be poisoned!

Some species carry bacteria and also helminths in the body. So make sure your fish food is fresh and from a clear source.

For children under 25cm, you feed them 2 to 3 times a day. When older, just 1 time a day is enough. Avoid leaving food left in the tank causing contamination. Feed them moderately so that they do not feel less appetite. And of course you must enjoy cleaning the leftovers from the tank!

You should only buy crickets and cockroaches that have been kept by humans to avoid being poisoned by insecticides. Small fish such as Siamese fighting fish, 3-tailed fish, and juveniles, make sure that they have been kept separately for 1 week before making bait for arowanas.

Because these types of fish contain a lot of cheat, they will be spread easily to fish. And it is important that you feed your fish highly nutritious foods to ensure maturity.

2.2 Change the water in the #aquarium​

Depending on the size of the fish, you change the water from 1 to 2 times a week. 30% for small fish and 50% for big fish. This depends on the number of fish in the tank, the volume of water and the capacity of the tank. This means that for every small tank, many fish will change the water regularly.
This fish is also very sensitive to foreign chemicals such as chlorine. When changing the water, you should add a substance except chlorine and chemicals of iron. Ideally, you should store the sediment for 24 hours before you change it.
The pH of the device is usually higher than 7.0. Therefore, it is recommended to change the water, you should occasionally add "black water" (Black Water Extract) to ease the #pH​. This viejc also helps to create a natural environment like where they are born.

2.3 What is the aquarium tank cap like?

Arowana tanks definitely cannot lack a lid. Most of the causes of high mortality in fish are players who do not use a cap or use it but neglect it.

This fish jumps very high. In the wild, arowanas often hunt for insects on the branches of trees that point to the lake correctly even though they are high. If you leave room on the lid, keep it smaller or at most equal to the fish's head.

If you encounter a large arowana, you should put a brick on the lid to increase weight. Many large arowanas were lost but the owner was not aware of jumping out of the lake.

2.4 The secret to beautiful Dragon fish

Every time you admire these colorful mermaids freely swimming in the aquarium, you feel comfortable, right? Therefore color is arguably the most important factor.

But that is just the foundation. You need to let the #arowana​ live in an environment with very good water and good quality food for you to achieve the advantages.

To have very good water, you should have a very good water filtration system and change the water regularly. Every day, use a racquet to remove all waste regularly and check the pH of the water regularly. At the same time check both alum and alkalinity.

Arowana is in need of carotene to develop lines and color. Therefore, you should feed the fish with shrimps in the shell for a fresher color. In addition, feeding fish with 3 tails will increase minerals, vitamins and fats necessary for the growth of the fish.

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Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 4, 2021

Cận cảnh cá rồng đỏ Châu Á tuyệt đẹp của tôi


Cận cảnh cá rồng đỏ Châu Á tuyệt đẹp của tôi. Loài cá này tôi nuôi trong 2 năm từ con nhỏ, và chăm kỹ các loại thức ăn như, giun, cá con, rết con

Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 4, 2021

Goldfish aquarium tank taking me relaxing after my work

This video will show you about Goldfish aquarium tank taking me relaxing after my work. Hope you'll enjoy this video and love my Channel

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 4, 2021

How to raise goldfish Ryukin to grow faster with frozen cordyceps best food

I. How to best use frozen cordyceps for aquarium​ goldfish​

Cordyceps is a nutritious food for aquarium fish, so bloodworms are chosen by many aquariums as a nutritious food, simple and easy to make feeding method.

Bloodworms are usually divided into pills or blisters. Depending on the quantity of #fish​, customers can feed the fish in blister packs or tablets.

1. How to feed the fish with bloodworm:

Method 1 : Thaw the bloodworms then feed the fish.
Method 2: Put the bloodworm tablet directly into the tank for the fish to pee.
II. Bloodworms help provide nutrients and iron to aquarium fish

a. Nutritional composition of bloodworm

According to the results of chemical analysis, the blood contains 9.3% dry matter. In which 62.5% crude protein, 10.4% crude fat, 11.6% ash and 15.6% carbohydrates.

In addition, with the rich composition of #bloodworm hemoglobin, it helps provide nutrients and iron for fish to grow.

b. Should aquarium fish eat bloodworm?

Bloodworm is a rich source of nutritious food to support fish development, bloodworm helps fish grow fast, with high reproductive rate .

In addition, bloodworm also helps the fish to color faster thanks to the hemoglobin component contained in the bloodworm.

Note: It is the quantity and quality of mosquito larvae that have a decisive influence on wild fish productivity in carp ponds and other benthic fish. So people immediately think of active farming of Chironomus shaking mosquito larvae - because this is a food species with high nutritional value and the benthic fish are preferred (note: Chironomus shakes do not bite at all. , unlike mosquitoes that need to be destroyed are Culex, Anopheles…